haikProject is a community non-profit organization dedicated to improve the lives of children and their families.

While Armenia is a top priority for most of the members of Diaspora,  haikProject aims to address the much neglected issues of our community in Los Angeles.

Founded in 2004 by Medical Anthropologist Astrik Vardanyan and Child Psychiatrist Arthur Pogosyan, haikProject advocates natural childbirth and natural parenting free of birth and childhood traumas.

“5 Crucial Aspects of Childbirth and Childcare” is an ultimate guide for future parents from conception to childhood.

haikProject encourages natural childbirth, prolonged breastfeeding, co-sleeping and discourages infant male circumcision and early umbilical cord clamping.

The mission of haikProject touches upon each and every family.

In fact, it touches the society at large. haikProject aims to prevent rather than spend millions of dollars on treatments.

With the high U.S. rates of infant mortality, exponential growth in autism spectrum disorders and mental retardation, every possible risk should be eliminated.

haikProject has done extensive research to identify those risks. With simple steps much harm can be avoided. All it takes is knowledge and support.

haikProject disseminates information through:

  • Presentations in academic forums
  • Publications academic and popular magazines
  • TV programs
  • Seminars
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling

haikProject  invites all parents and parents-to-be to get engaged, learn and share in monthly seminars.

No parent should ever have to say, I wish I had known…